Friday, May 15, 2015

My Thoughts Written Out Loud

Hello friends,

So lately I have been feeling creative and there are a few things that came to my mind. I decided to share them with you so hey, here you go!


What is a friend really? Is it someone who you talk to every single day? Or someone who waits for you, even when you're late? Perhaps it is someone that you can tell your biggest secrets to? Or is it that person that makes you feel better when you're sad? Maybe, a friend isn't. Maybe your friend doesn't talk to you every day. Maybe your friend hates to wait. Maybe you just can't tell your secrets to your friend. Maybe they are never there when you're sad. In the end, what is a friend really?


For years and years I used to hate the word. People would always talk about family. Humans like to give words a meaning, but some words have a different meaning to everyone. I believe that 'family' is one of those words. To me, family isn't about being blood-related. It is about sharing love, dreams, happiness and sadness. It is about having faith in each other, about supporting each other. That is what family is to me.


Home is not a place to me. I'll never say that I'm going home when that place doesn't feel like home. Home is my favorite city in the world. Home is the people who I admire. Home is the songs that I love. Home is not where you live, it is where they understand you. Home is a million different things to me and yet people define it as the one thing it is not.


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